Come what may...

2:44 A.M., Friday, Jan. 18, 2002: dream interpretation
I have always been intrigued by dream interpretation. Here's a dream I had not too long ago:

I was about the same age I am now. I was dirty and barefoot. I was impregnated by, of all people, Frank Gifford, who treated me like a disobedient child. He was very stern and uncaring. I walked with my head hung low. I was walking on gravel near some buildings, one of which was a movie theatre. There were some people coming out of it, talking about how great this movie was that was showing. I don't remember what it was called or what it was about, but I remember there were 2 butch lesbians walking out. They looked at me with complete disgust as they walked past me. There were cars leaving. One of them looked like an old VW Beetle. That's about the extent of my dream.

I am consulting my dream dictionary about this. Here's what I've discovered so far, based on the symbols in my dream.

Being pregnant: a new area of one's potential or personality developing; a deepening relationship with one's unconscious is producing a new experience--still unexpressed, but developing.

Older man: father or one's accumulated experience and wisdom; perhaps even wisdom from the unconscious if man is white haired or holy.

Man in woman's dream: in general, a woman's ability to question conventional behavior and social habits; her strength to look with insight into her own life and change it thereby--but not her feeling values, emotions, and intuitions; her creative or business ability in the world, and power to be competitive and challenging; her defense against "just knowing" out of the power of her emotions and inbuilt prejudices.

Feet: foundation; to have "one's feet on the ground"; to be well or badly "grounded"; fundamental issue in our life.

Lack of eye contact: avoidance of intimacy.

Woman in a woman's dream: an aspect of herself, but often a facet of herself she is not immediately identifying with.

Two women and the dreamer: conflicting feelings or drives.

Dirty: Actions or feelings which we feel are grubby or immoral. The unconscious has a natural morality based on its sense of connection with the universal principles of mating, birth, growth, and death. Where our social or sexual life does not align with this or our own consciously accepted principles, we may dream of being dirty.

Hair: Thoughts; self image; attitudes.

Long hair: freedom; permissiveness; girlhood with woman.

Head hair: may be expression of female sexuality.

Head: thoughts; opinions; intellect; decisions; intentions; self image.

Car: our motivating drives--sex drive, ambition, sense of failure, whatever is driving us in life; desire to 'get somewhere' in lifel; independence; feelings about the particular car in the dream.

Old car: sense of old age; feelings about death.

Car reversing: sense of not getting anywhere; feeling that one is slipping backward; reversing a decision; change of direction.

Cinema: our image of self.

Red and grey together: emotions connected with depression.

That's all I can get out of my dictionary. I think I'll stop typing for now and take stock in what I've found, try to make some sort of sense of it. I need some sleep.

<~I will love you~>
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