Come what may...

8:17 P.M., Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2002: damn, if only I had a beer right now...
I suppose I'll update on this past weekend up through today, since I have yet to do so. (For that, I apologize, but I haven't really been in an updating kind of mood.)

Friday Amanda came for a visit. She had some time off from work, so she stopped by for a couple hours. Since she had to go back to work, I went with her. (I was in a major DDR-mood, so that was another incentive.) We hung out at ZapZone for awhile, then headed out to Col's Place with Jeff, Nolan, Justin, and a couple guys they knew. Natalie and Shawn joined us later. We ate, socialized, and then headed back to Jeff's apartment, where we spent the night.

Saturday rolls around, and Amanda ends up being let off work early. Since I ended up not getting my tattoo with Michaela and them, Natalie and I decided that once Amanda comes back, it's off to Desired Images (where they got theirs done). I was so ungodly nervous! But I picked out what I wanted when I got there, had the numbing agent put on me (it took awhile for it to take effect, but it was worth it!), and went through with my tattoo. Due to the numbing agent, I barely felt it while getting it done. There were a few points where it was like, "Okay, that stings, ouch, ow, ow, ow!", but for the most part I was fine. I was very pleased when it was done. I got a good deal on was only $60, and the numbing agent was free. (Normally it's another $25 or so.) I was glad Amanda was with me, holding my hand, making sure I was okay. We went to eat at Sveden House afterwards, but my nerves were so shot that I could only muster a few bites of my salad. The whole rest of the weekend I could barely eat a thing, which sucked ass.

That night I ended up going to a rave with Amanda, Natalie, Shawn, and Jason. I couldn't believe they actually talked me into going in the first place. Raves are totally not my scene...frat parties are. But I went anyway, just to see what all the fuss was about. I ended up having fun just dancing. (I don't do drugs, and I can't take anything that fucks with seratonin anyway due to my meds.) The 3 regular ravers (Amanda, Shawn, and Natalie) said it was the lamest one they'd ever been to, but I had fun regardless. I suppose it wasn't fun because Amanda and Shawn wanted drugs. Oh darn. Too damn bad. I have no sympathy for them when it comes to that shit. I've gone through frat parties sober, and I still had fun anyway. I don't base my entire experience on just getting drunk, although, admittedly, they are more fun that way. Speaking of which, the PSK's are having a party on Friday that's supposed to be awesome. And since I went to their rave, I insist Amanda, Shawn, and Natalie go to a frat with me just once. Shawn and Natalie are up for it (as is Jason), it's just a matter of convincing Amanda now. The Kappas are supposed to be having one sometime between the 1st and the 6th of next month, so I'll see if we can hit that one.

Anyway, Sunday hits. Due to the weather, we'd stayed at Jeff's again. We wake up, and Amanda and Jeff insist on getting lunch by themselves, leaving me, Natalie, and Shawn at the apartment. Natalie wasn't too thrilled that Amanda left her girlfriend by herself, especially because they were gone for an ungodly amount of time. They finally returned about an hour before I was supposed to leave for work. I wasn't too thrilled at the duration of their absence, but at least she brought me back a bagel and cream cheese. Time for me to haul ass to work rolls around, and Jeff tags along with us. We get back to campus, they drop me off, and they leave to go back to Farmington while I get ready for work. Work, suprisingly, wasn't that bad, which is amazing for a Sunday night. I got to show off my tattoo to everyone I saw, which was a plus. (My manager that night, Sarah, said "If I had a dollar for every time you said 'Wanna see my tattoo?'...")

Monday rears its head. I had a midterm in my women's studies class, so I studied for that a bit, went to it, and was done in 20 minutes. I ran into some of my classmates outside, where we commenced bitching about aspects of the class we don't like for at least a good hour. I head back to my dorm after that, get some food with Jean and Sarah (who live in the next room), and then come back and bum around in my room.

There was a bit of a kink I should mention. Amanda informs me Sunday night while I'm chatting with her after work that she can't move in with me, Michaela, and Andy. Once again, her fear of commitment reared its ugly head. I wasn't mad, just really frustrated. I wish she would've said something ahead of time, before we started making plans. Now Andy's having second thoughts because he really wants 4 people in the apartment, so we're trying to convince Mikey to join us. He wants to, but he's concerned about money, and Michaela would be the only one with a car. (On the plus side, Michaela said she'd let me borrow her car to practice for my road test with, since I'm a licenseless loser.)

Today I woke up about 10 minutes before I had to be at work. I hauled ass, had a fairly decent day (except for dealing with the morons I normally have to put up with, but what else is new), and headed back to my room. I'm hoping Amanda can come down and visit me, because I could really use her presence right now. I'm in such a depressed mood, and I need her here with me so I can feel better.

More to come later.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at