Come what may...

11:44 A.M., Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2002: i'm back in the saddle again...
I've met a girl!

Her name's Stephanie, and she lives near Syracuse and goes to Syracuse U. She's 19 and an adorable little butch. We have quite a bit in common (she's a photo major--a girl after my own heart!), including abusive ex-gf's that won't leave us alone (the only difference being that her ex was phyically abusive...I guess I really lucked out that Amanda never laid a finger on me in that respect). And this Friday she invited me to go with her to Charades, a gay club in Syracuse. Since we haven't met in person, I asked Don if he would go with me. He said he'd let me know by Wed. if he can. I hope he can go, because I'd really like to meet her.

Other than that, nothing much has been going on. I haven't heard back from Verizon, so I'm assuming I didn't get the job, which really pisses me off. Now I'm back to surfing the want ads in the paper. I really need something else that pays more than Sugar Creek.

Well, I have a busy day ahead of me (getting the new brake part installed in my car, dr.'s appt., possible shopping at Old Navy with my gift card that I got from my aunt and uncle), so I'm off to the shower.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at