Come what may...

10:43 P.M., Monday, Mar. 11, 2002: IM'ing Mr. Murray
I had a lovely conversation with my old high school photo teacher, Mr. Murray (who now insists I call him Tom, which is weird for me!). Here it is, in its entirety:

Kriedom: hey, what's up?

nyartguy1: nothin

Kriedom: sounds like a blast

Kriedom: you do realize who this is, right?

nyartguy1: sup wit chew?

nyartguy1: yes

Kriedom: ok, just making sure (some people don't, which irritates me because my name's in my sn!)

Kriedom: nada

Kriedom: i had a midterm in my women's studies class today, which was a piece of cake

nyartguy1: are you back at school

Kriedom: unfortunately

Kriedom: i only had a week for "mid-winter break"

nyartguy1: yeah, same at JCC

nyartguy1: spring break is coming

Kriedom: our "spring break" is really just a 3-day weekend over easter

nyartguy1: yuck

Kriedom: but we're done in april, so it works out

nyartguy1: cool

Kriedom: but i'm planning on staying for spring semester, possibly summer, too

nyartguy1: going to school in the summer?

Kriedom: yep

Kriedom: get some prereqs out of the way

Kriedom: plus get my gpa up some more so i can transfer

nyartguy1: still thinking photo?

Kriedom: of course!

Kriedom: i'm expecting the photos i took of my friend chris to be developed and sent back to me within the next week or 2

Kriedom: did you get my email?

nyartguy1: yes

Kriedom: i got a good deal on my tattoo, i was rather surprised

nyartguy1: You know how I feel about tattoos!!

Kriedom: i know, but i got it in memory of my grandmother, so it's all good

nyartguy1: Perminent evidence of temporary insanity

Kriedom: hey, i thought about this for awhile, actually

nyartguy1: yeah, right...

Kriedom: i did! i knew for a while i wanted to get drama masks, but i didn't think about doing it in her memory until recently

Kriedom: i wanted to be sure that it wouldn't be something i'd regret in 20 years

nyartguy1: the only prob is that things like tattoos go in and out of vogue...

Kriedom: true

nyartguy1: In 20 years you may feel VERY different

Kriedom: hence why i didn't get anything that's currently "in", like tribal stuff or something across my lower back

nyartguy1: Still...I'm glad I don't have to "wear" anything I wore twenty years ago...

nyartguy1: what's done is done...

Kriedom: my dad waited to get his until last year

nyartguy1: I guess I'm just not brave enough to do anything like that

Kriedom: i took the easy way out and got a numbing agent, which definitely helped

nyartguy1: ah...

Kriedom: and i didn't charged for it, which rocked because normally it's an extra $25 or so

Kriedom: my tattoo only cost me $60, which is a good deal around here

nyartguy1: cool

nyartguy1: so what is Josh going to do now... did he tell you?

nyartguy1: he seems very... angry

Kriedom: what else is new?

Kriedom: i dated him for 2 years, and he's as angry as he was when i met him

Kriedom: he softened up when i came along, but now that i'm with amanda he's gone back to his old ways times 3

nyartguy1: what's his deal? is he wired right or what?

Kriedom: he does have a lot of emotional problems

Kriedom: which doesn't make any sense because he's led a pretty good life

Kriedom: for the most part, anyway

nyartguy1: he just seems mad at the world

Kriedom: that's pretty much all there is to it

nyartguy1: he's like an old guy

Kriedom: i always told him he acts like he's 45 rather than almost 20

Kriedom: too responsible for his age

Kriedom: tomorrow he'll be 20

nyartguy1: On behalf of all 50 year old guys... he's OLDER than that!!!

Kriedom: lmao!

nyartguy1: I don't think I'l EVER be that old!!

Kriedom: i'd have to agree with you there

Kriedom: you act more like a 20 year old than your real age

Kriedom: maybe you and josh should switch ;-)

nyartguy1: No thanks!!!

nyartguy1: I don't "act" anything... I just "am"...

nyartguy1: I hate when old guys act young... I just act

Kriedom: i know, but you have more of a joie de vivre than most people i know

nyartguy1: thanks

Kriedom: you'd probably get along with my mom in that aspect

nyartguy1: I had some joie de vivre last weekend at the Olive Garden... it gave me gas..

Kriedom: *smacks head and rolls eyes*

nyartguy1: Is your mom a free spirit too

Kriedom: she's 37 and acts like she's my age (18)

Kriedom: when she came and visited me here, her and her friend mark acted more like kids and amanda and i were the adults

Kriedom: it was very odd

nyartguy1: Are your mom and dad together? Friend Mark? Confused...

Kriedom: mom and dad are together...mark is an old high school buddy

Kriedom: he lives out here

nyartguy1: ah...

nyartguy1: just curious

Kriedom: it was the first time they'd seen each other in almost 20 years

nyartguy1: ah..

Kriedom: today makes it exactly 5 months till i turn 19

nyartguy1: You're a young pup...

Kriedom: i know :-(

nyartguy1: infant

Kriedom: i'm always the youngest out of my friends

nyartguy1: enjoy it

Kriedom: i

Kriedom: am trying

nyartguy1: I was younger too... 16 when I went to college

Kriedom: holy crap

nyartguy1: 18 when I was a junior

nyartguy1: took a year off and still graduated at 21

Kriedom: you're lucky

nyartguy1: I was teaching at JCC when I was 22!!

Kriedom: was that when dirt was still white? :-P

nyartguy1: Is it OK to say "bite me?"

Kriedom: *hiss*

nyartguy1: I mean you're only 18 ND ALL

Kriedom: i feel so much older sometimes

Kriedom: it's annoying

nyartguy1: I thought you were older

Kriedom: a lot of people do

nyartguy1: you're very mature for your age... except for the tattoo thing, of course!

Kriedom: i throw people friend natalie just found out i'm 18, when she thought i was 20!

nyartguy1: well... it's time for me to go up the "wooden hill"...

Kriedom: "wooden hill"?

nyartguy1: up stairs.... to bed!

Kriedom: i see

nyartguy1: the wooden hill

nyartguy1: never heard that expression?

Kriedom: can't say i have

nyartguy1: It's an old Irish saying

Kriedom: ah

nyartguy1: I got a million of them...

Kriedom: i'm more german than i am irish, so i know more old german sayings

nyartguy1: so jump in za bed

Kriedom: "erst die arbeit, dan das vergnuegen"

nyartguy1: time to put Adolf to shleepenzee

Kriedom: literally, it means "first the work, then the pleasure"

Kriedom: shleepenzee?

nyartguy1: I like the pleasure part more...

nyartguy1: sleep

Kriedom: i'd rather do that than work...i hate my job

nyartguy1: what's your job again... did you tell me?

Kriedom: cashier at the eateries on campus

Kriedom: it sucks

nyartguy1: what... are you in charge of straws?

Kriedom: among other things

nyartguy1: that DOES suck!

Kriedom: oh dear lord...

nyartguy1: get it? straws... sucks?

nyartguy1: ah... you got it

Kriedom: unfortunately

nyartguy1: punny

Kriedom: oh dear

nyartguy1: Hey I bet I know what blood type Josh is...

Kriedom: what would that be?

nyartguy1: B Negative

Kriedom: lmao!

Kriedom: oh, that's great

nyartguy1: well... little girl... I'm falling to sleep and my jokes are NOT going to get any better....

Kriedom: so i gathered

nyartguy1: I'm going to sign off... talk to you soon...

Kriedom: ok

Kriedom: more later!

nyartguy1: be good...

Kriedom: i'll try

Kriedom: but not too hard ;-)

nyartguy1: night

Kriedom: night-night

<~I will love you~>
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