Come what may...

10:28 P.M., Sunday, Feb. 17, 2002: quoting kevin, or "fucking produce: the kevin story"
OK, I had an interesting day at work. Of course, it being Sunday night, I had to repeat myself to the incompetent college students that are too stupid to comprehend how the damn meal plans work. Not to mention deal with difficult college students that if I had the opportunity, I would rammed their heads into my register out of frustration. (And boredom.) But working with Kevin makes it easier. Tonight he was saying all sorts of hilarious quotable quips, which I wrote down. Here's some of the things he had me rolling with:

-"If I had the choice of fucking you or a goat, I'd go find a coconut."

-"I was captain of the varsity cow tipping team for 2 years."

-"Ho train!"

-"If I ever had a mullet, I'd kill myself."

(This one involved our manager, Abbie.)

Kevin: "I'd fuck her like a sack of potatoes."

Abbie: "You fucked a sack of potatoes?"

-"The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Kevin and produce." (That's his disclaimer.)

I'm waiting for Amanda and her entourage to show their happy asses up, so hopefully I'll have more of a cause to write.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at